Wednesday, January 30, 2008

is there any chance i will own this if ever i get hooked with blogging?

burberry's metal studs warrior bag - price: usd 22k.

i saw this in asian wall street yesterday and damn, i've been dreaming it every hour, every minute, and every second of my breathing time ever since. SIGHS. but of course there's no way i can afford to buy this bag and (trying to be self-righteous) i think it's downright unethical to have a bag as pricey as that when people around me is too impoverished to afford themselves of three square meals a day. talking about the haitians who were in the news the other night. sighs again.

okay... i'm really not here to talk about the bag but on how some of the mommies i know in the newlyweds forum are earning a lot because of paid blogging. some were even claiming they were able to buy a louis vuitton bag out of three-months blogging earnings. goodness gracious, you know how an lv bag can cost... and i'm not going to buy one either. but i can already imagine how many travels we can plan if we only have that extra cash, or savings we can keep in the mutual funds.

the question now is how can i have the time to blog like crazy for me to earn that much...

when i can't even keep this blog long because the little boy is already tugging my shirt now because he wants me to breastfeed him.

more updates on this topic later.







  1. hahaha...i can only empathize Marie ;-) though i'm not really breastfeeding Benedict now but he wants my full attention. Doesn't like it when mommy is busy with the laptop. I was really following the thread on paid blogging like crazy too...and tempted to give it a try...if only i can find the time. But then again, maybe we can give it a try...let's go girl!

  2. oo nga marie you're right come to think of it an LV bag is too mahal! its in my wants list pero not to the point that i'll buy it to splurge..tama ka mas masarap mag travel..ano start na tyo ng blog? hehe btw, which mutual funds did u invest in? i've been wanting to research a good one kasi but have not started yet..

  3. yeah, let's go and blog like crazy! i actually started one last december but because i have this mañana habit, inactive na naman. i'll try to post as many as i can this weekend. will tell you if i'm ready to launch it. naks! hehe. kayo rin, huh.

  4. pinky, i'll got to philam assets management, inc. (pami) this afternoon to deposit. i already made my research and they are one of the best performers for the past three years. check their site. you'll be hooked with the financial calculator. ako i can't believe that we'll be earning that much if we deposit for 20 years... better than any retirement fund, i think.
