Tuesday, April 21, 2009

guess who's the official photog of our family now?

move over tripods (as if we always bring this, hehe)... and daddy, you can now rest... because someone already assumed the role of taking pictures during events, and probably in our upcoming trips.

it's the christening of his cousin sandy (an and rozunne bustamante's daughter) last saturday and iñigo stole the scene by taking pictures left and right... even of the other guests who were equally amused with him.

below are some of the pictures taken during the event.

the banner

the cake

lolo jun, ninong an, tita rozunne, lola nor, and sandy

the daddy and the mommy... of the photographer. =D

baby sandy with lolo jun and lola nor

daddy and lola nor

hmm... did you also observe in the pictures how the "subjects" look, if not stoop, down? we probably need a platform for our little photographer. hehe.

here's a picture of the photographer who was so fond of her new cousin...

iñigo was playing here with his baby cousin

his lola nor commented on iñigo's advanced motor skills, including the dexterity and focus which he displayed while taking pictures. jude and i just kept mum as we already knew this even before (hehe ...yabang parents! =)). but still, we welcome these praises and positive comments from other people as validation of our parenting.