Thursday, September 30, 2010

this is our blog...

but basically, this is my blog... this is my journal... my outlet... whatever i write here may give a glimpse of my life, but not the whole picture. i am a happy person and i try to be as happy as much as i can but it doesn't mean that when i only talk about tribulations and celebrations, my life is all rosy. i just don't dwell on my problems too much. i just count my blessings and sometimes gets too excited to blog about it.

my life, our married life has a lot of struggles but we only relied mostly on ourselves to win from them. we also had sleepless nights (lots of it) as i don't really like bothering other people. though i didn't talk about it, it doesn't mean that it should be downplayed. it's probably i earned the monicker 'supermom' among my peers as they how my life was.

i talk about good life but there were trade-offs and sacrifices behind it, jude knows how i master our budget and to insert something means i have to remove something. if you see us enjoying it may also mean we were depriving our family with other things.

i also had to accept that i cannot be of help to everybody. until now i feel sad that my father passed away without having a taste of all of luxuries of life. it hurts but whenever this pain is nagging me i just recall the time when he said that "he's already happy when he sees me and my family happy."

but in all these, i never complained nor had regrets because it's MY CHOICE. i chose that i leave the corporate world and take care of my kids round-the-clock... i chose that we live a simple life to give way for once-in-a-while enjoyment. we set our choices, we set our priorities.

and i am thankful until now that God made it possible as when the time that i was already crying to jude that i can no longer juggle work, house chores and taking care of inigo that time (plus the fact that just i leave him with an almost stranger, a labandera to be exact) jude was given a job with income that could also cover my lost income--just what we prayed for!

this is our life and i had nothing to explain. by next week, jude and i will celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary and we will renew our vows and look back ito the commitment we made with moral obligation of keeping each other as husband and wife, and extend this goodness to our children. i guess jude and i's accountability is only bounded within...


  1. awww.... nice one.
    Advanced happy 5th year of happiness and love! :)

  2. thanks, jah! though it's not really intended for our 5th anniv... mushy yun for sure. hehe, i just felt that i had to post it here in multiply. :)

  3. happy 5 years Marie & Jude! you'll be renewing your vows? how sis? na-excite naman ako! details, details... hehe :)

    seriously, i am happy for you sis. more blessings to come...

  4. haha. hindi sis... i just want to explain our family dynamics for everybody's 'enlightenment'. :)

  5. may nakikibasa pala kasi sa blog ko na instead of being happy for us, sinisilip lifestyle namin. hihi. hay bahala sila sa life nila basta ako lagi lang masaya. :)

  6. Congratulations Marie & Jude. Life is never easy, and it gets more complicated with family, because now you're accountable for more people. But Im glad that you are proud of the choices you've made, because no matter what the choice is, if you can make that choice without any regret, that it's a good choice. Yes you may have grief about the road not taken, or the opportunity lost, but you've got to trust your intentions, and know that the decision you made was the best decision at the time.

    I think everybody is aware of what it's like to have to balance work and family life. But not everybody can put it so eloquently as you have :) Happy anniversary

  7. hi, doc irene! thanks, thanks! it helps to read words of validation and encouragement during these times when those things you think are right becomes grey areas as there were those who want to think you otherwise. :)
