Tuesday, November 24, 2009

how's the kuya doing?

after our photo-ops with the newest member of the family, my ob brought theo outside the delivery room as she knew that iñigo, along with his tita beth, was there in the reception area patiently waiting for the arrival of his baby brother. since i knew that i could already be wheeled into the recovery room i asked the nurses if i could be brought first to my two boys. i had mixed emotions upon seeing them together for the first time. iñigo, as soon as he saw a little body wrapped in blue blanket in my doctors' hands, exclaimed, "i'm a big brother now!" (these words are the same as the title of the book we're reading to him ever since.) all the people around him were laughing except for me who was laughing and crying at the same time... hormones!

iñigo posing with his baby brother and daddy

iñigo loooooooves his baby brother. we never had a problem with him if it's about jealousy or sibling rivalry. he's even concerned especially when theo is crying and he'd be the first to go to his side and console him, "don't cry, theo... don't cry..." he'd also remind me to get theo when he sees that am not budging, "mom, theo is crying.. he's kawawa!" or if he thinks his little brother is already hungry, "give milk to theo, mom?" :)

the only concern we have is he can be too doting to theo to the point that he's already hurting the latter like he'd hug him tight or he'd squeeze or pat his head (horrors!). well, what else can we expect from a 3-year old but roughness.

theo is sometimes annoyed with his kuya iñigo's presence, hehe.

iñigo is always there too to help us in taking care of our baby. come nappy change time, he'd run to my side as it's his self-appointed duty to put on the straps of the diaper (and  there'll be an outburst of rage if i forgot to involve him). we'd also see him sometimes entertaining theo with his dance or song number. and what's more delightful for us as their parents is when we hear him saying, "theo is so cute! (with a twang)" as if his little brother is the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

he's letting his baby brother play with his thomas the tank toy

we're really glad that iñigo is easily adjusting to his new role as kuya. though we're also making an effort to not make him feel neglected now that there's a new baby inside the house, i still think that he's just happy over the fact that he already has a sibling.

i am not sure what right i did but there's one thing for sure... jude and i are proud and happy parents. :)

more pictures of our little boys in this album.





  1. awww... good job kuya iñigo! ...and good job to the parents as well! :)

  2. natawa ako dun sa "im a big brother now!" statement ni Inigo (,")
    we must have glorified the role for them so much kaya happy sila to be called as such. At least di prob the jealousy :-)
    same concern here, minsan sobrang rough nga the toddlers, nakakatakot malingat :)

  3. exactly. they probably think that being a kuya is such a wonderful thing to be. well, i think it is... can't say much because bunso ang mommy sa family. hehe.

  4. si benedict din, bless? haaaay, iñigo can be so rough with his baby brother. sometimes i feel guilty because i tell him not to touch or get near na lang his baby brother. hope it won't breed animosity... kung puede lang pagawa ng kuya-proof na crib eh... inaakyat minsan ang crib and we'd see him trying to carry theo!

  5. i agree to a point =) im the oldest in the cousins sa side ng Dad ko...and boy! i have always enjoyed the privileges attached to it...being first to reach milestones, etc. Needless to say, apple of the eye rin ng grandfolks & doting titas/titos =) But then again, will have to give way rin to most things kc barely 2 yrs lang gap namin ng sis ko na sumunod sakin.
    I have always been determined & strong, nurturing & giving rin...qualities inherent ata sa firstborns :) i can see Benedict being such rin. Must be their birth order =) But then again, some firstborns can be whiny & clingy, so I guess it really is the upbringing.
    Let's just be happy na somehow we must have been doing the right thing kc our boys are turning out to be good Kuyas ;-D

  6. ay oo sis! as in I cant trust him to go near the crib kc pag walang nakabantay, aakyat sya at higa sa crib, while tinkering with the mobile :(
    kaya dapat tlaga may nakatutok sa kanya. But he is such a doting brother, nakakaawa rin wag palapitin dba? Kaso hay, my heart would really do a somersault everytime umaandar yung kalikutan!!!
