Saturday, February 9, 2008

move over sheldon... hello dr. seuss!

one of the things that motherhood changed on me is my shopping habit. i was a self-confessed shopaholic and gastadora when i was still single. i used to buy impulsively especially on clothes and shoes and bags and accessories... almost everything that i drooled over. and this includes books and magazines which i would only read once and shelve later on. that's why when i moved in to jude's place after we got married i have three boxes just for reading materials alone, aside from my college and mba books... honest!

but that's a thing of the past now. i am already a convert and i spend our money wisely (or so i claimed... hehe).

but if i shop, it's more for our little boy that i buy than for myself. i've given up most of my small luxuries including buying sidney sheldon novels. =) i don't have time to read them anyway.

what i'm buying now is iñigo's books and we've collected 22 titles so far including these latest addition:

would you believe i bought them all at php 210 including the two dr. seuss titles? tipid tip: buy second-hand books as they really come cheaper than the brand-new. to be able to have the titles you are looking for, befriend the sales attendant of any booksale or diplomat outlet in your favorite shopping mall (bought these books in diplomat festival mall branch) and asked her to send you a text message when they already have them so you can pick up the books the next day or whenever you are available. they'll be cordial enough to let you know.

most of these books don't look second-hand or shabby at all. who knows, you might even be the first owner...


i'm so happy with my new loots and i'm happier over the fact that iñigo appreciates his new books... and that the daddy appreciates my money-saving effort. =D






1 comment:

  1. I buy Kei 2nd hand books as well at Book Sale. At least I don't really get bothered that much whenever I'd discover that she had scribbled on it or had tore off a page than if I had gotten it new. Haay, kids!... especially when they're younger! When they age a little, they finally get it that books are not for writing on, or for tearing or for nibbling on...., but for reading. They could read the same book over and over and over again without ever tired of it. :)
