Wednesday, August 25, 2010

from thomas the tank to handy manny

i remember when i was a kid and E.T. (the movie which became a hit in early 80's was the "it" thing during those days. my mother bought me an E.T doll which i became so fond of that i forgot that i have other and better-looking dolls. it's must probably because of the movie which i have watched a lot of times which made me love it for some time.

now that am a mother myself i also try to spoil my kids  a little by buying them some items of their favorite characters. i also get amuse at how kids, particularly my eldest kid, change his loyalty as he grows up and gets exposed to more fictional or cartoon characters.

it was only last year that he was soooo into thomas the tank. aside from toy shops, we also frequent the characters section in landmark or SM for other thomas the tank merchandises.

trying out the thomas the tank pajama set and cap which he got as gifts last christmas

but obviiously, it's not only inigo who's fond of this character. on the day that i was discharged from the hospital where i gave birth to theo, a lady approached jude in the lobby while i was in the restroom. the lady is the mom of the kid who we earlier saw and we thought shares the same age with inigo. we found it funny that the kiddo also has the same thomas the tank backpack, cap and watch which inigo was wearing that time, both of them are holding thomas the tank toy train engine too. :)

but what's more funny is the other boy's name is also inigo! hehehe. it's the reason why the mommy approached jude, to ask if our kid's name is indeed "inigo" as he heard us calling our son's name in the lobby.

after thomas, inigo became fond of lightning mcqueen (from the movie cars) though their love story is only short-lived. :) it's only this year that i allowed him to watch the dvd of cars that's why he's quite a 'late-bloomer' on this character.

it's buzz lightyear (from toy story movies) which he has a strong bonding that he brings his toy (the buzz lightyear action figure we gifted to him thru santa) wherever we go. it's like woody for andy, and the only thing lacking is his name imprinted on one of the soles of buzz's shoes. uhm, he actually planned to do it... ;)

aside from buzz lightyear, inigo's other crazes right now are special agent oso and handy manny. he likes the adventures and gadgets oso are having while he likes the job and tools of manny... he even imagined himself as manny when i bought him his own set of tools and put them in his own tool box. his daddy fed his imagination more when he asked the tot to wear his helmet and safety glasses - inigo was thrilled!!!

he didn't remove these even after we jogged that day in the fort and strolled in piazza venezzia afterwards. inigo was obviously tickled pink whenever people are looking at him while we were having dinner and i tell him that they think he;s handy manny... abot tenga ngiti! hihi.

inigo unmindful of the inconvenience of wearing his daddy's helmet while walking :P

"us" time

i am happy that jude and i are now going out regularly as a couple ONLY; no preschooler to chase and no infant to carry. we do this two times a month as my 20-year old cousin stays with us every other sunday to get her allowance for school. i always seize this opportunity since we really don't like leaving the kids with our househelp especially at nigh, there must always be a relative around.

we're usually away for two to three hours and  must be back before midnight as experience taught us that theo wakes up around this time and cries incessantly when am not around, making me only guilty over our pleasure date, which should not be the case since jude and i really need a break from them. we don't go far anyway. our rule is our 'dating ground' should only be 15 mins. away from home and this only allows us to watch a movie in the nearest mall along pasong tamo or chill out in a bar which is actually many near our house.

the last date or gimmick we had was two sundays ago and jude brought me to a grill and bar along jupiter st. which is only 5 mins away from our house, if traffic is light and flowing. and should i say that we had a great time! too bad that am strill restricted from drinking booze or liquors (as if i was a tomadera before. hehehe) because i still nurse theo.

this only made me miss my pre-wedding days when jude and i didn't care at all for babies and breastmilk. we enjoyed pretty much our single days since the mountaineering group we belong in is very active in gimmicks and drinking sprees... 'di ba jah and mareng lui? hehehe.


our little handyman

look who's daddy's little helper...

yep, it's our four-year old inigo. jude called him one morning and asked him if he wanted to help him clean our trooper (i sometimes ask jude to involve our eldest in his tasks if he could since he often gets bored inside the house which makes me want to shoo him away :D) and of course, the little boy who's always excited to do big boys' jobs was fast to say "yes!"

i decided to take pictures because i found it cute, hihi. but one more reason why i took photos is to have something to show him when he's already big and uhm, lazy, that once upon a time he was his daddy's little helper. :)

but it's just last sunday, when i got back from the flea market, that jude showed me cuter pictures of inigo with our trooper...

inigo is thinking he's handy manny since i bought him some toy-tools from divi and even have his own tool box just like his daddy's.

o 'di ba? as if it's for real! :D

fish be with him

inigo told me one day that he wanted to have a pet fish. i told this to jude as soon as he got home from work. it was more of sharing to him our eldest son's latest fancy rather than pleading since i knew that having a pet in the house spells another responsibility for me... as if two little boys are not enough! but little did i know that it was the daddy who was more excited to have a pet for his boys that's why the following saturday found us in cartimar looking for a small fish bowl ('fish bowl of elmo' was how jude described it to the store owners, haha) and the fishes which we will put inside it.

inigo was so happy. we bought two goldfishes since jude said it's the easiest to maintain. it should only be one but it's me who pushed him to buy two because i felt that even fish needs a company. hehe. we 'christened them inigo fish and theo fish - how orig! hahaha!

well, even theo seemed to love the fishes. just look at his grin...

inigo was very good in taking care and/or feeding the fishes on the first few days. but now... he doesn't even bother to look at them! :-/ sometimes i call his attention and tell him that the fishes are hungry. he tells me in return, "feed them mommy, they might die..." hmpf!